New study from Waddenvereniging: Wadden Sea World Heritage offers opportunities
On 19 August the Dutch conservation organization 'Waddenvereniging' handed over to the State Secretary Sharon Dijksma the first copy of the study 'Werelderfgoed Waddenzee biedt kansen' (Wadden Sea World Heritage offers opportunities).
The State Secretary (Ministry of Economy), which is responsible for both nature and economy, visited the Wadden Sea to speak with various stakeholders about sustainable development in the area.
In her politics Secretary Dijksma seeks for a clever combination of nature and economic interests . The main conclusion from the study of Waddenvereniging is that the economy and nature (protection) can certainly coexist if the World Heritage status will be used in a better way.
According to the study four years after the recognition of the Wadden Sea as a UNESCO World Heritage Site this has hardly happened. The study shows that entrepreneurs, especially from the tourism industry, see great economic potential in the World Heritage status, but find it difficult to implement it.
This summer, the Waddenvereniging has already started with an initiative to promote nature-friendly offers as well as regional economy with help of World Heritage Status. "World Heritage weeks", a special tour program to explain the visitors why the Wadden Sea has become a World Heritage Site, was organised together with entrepreneurs from the area. The World Heritage weeks are a good start, but to make a real difference, Waddenvereniging sees a broader promotion campaign as necessary. Only through intensive cooperation between nature protection organisations, public authorities and entrepreneurs, the World Natural Heritage status can bring benefits of the Wadden Sea.
The study (in Dutch) can be downloaded on the website of Waddenvereniging.
Source: Waddenvereniging